Monday, June 29, 2015

Free Music This Week -IC

(Hyperlinks will be up 6/30 - I'm experiencing technical difficulties, surprise surprise!)

As always, i have to plug the ICYC's Underground Open Mic. Every Tuesday, 8pm, hosted by Kate Kane. This week's line up is awesome - check it out for yourself here. Two out of state bands are gracing us with their presence. Spooky Ghost from Minneappolis, which I had a hard time finding out much about. And BIG IDIOT from the birthplace of grunge: Olympia, Washington. It sounds like they are going to thrash pretty hard; don't miss it!
Obsidan Sword, Hx Girls (who were really fun last time I saw them AND they wear super weird, witchy hats which is always good) and Nirdana (hmmm...I wonder what that's all about) are playing, as well as veteran UOM performer Ben Roller. The guy is a hoot and a half. There are other acts I don't know anything about but I'm not trying to figure it out, here's why: the first slot is filled by none other than ButtercupB√ttF√¢k. Yeah, google that and you're garuanteed to never look at PowerPuff Girls the same way ever, ever again.

Of course there is also Locally Owned at Gabe's on Thursday. Their fb page has no info for this week (hint, hint, dudes). But every other week has been booked by good bands (Milk Duct Tape, Def-Kittie BlinDogg, Men From Beyond, Thick, etc.) so it's a pretty safe bet it will kick ass. It's free anyway, so why not Zoidberg?

Uptown Bill's has an open mic Thursday as well, followed by a performance of original songs by an Iowa City native who is moving to L.A. soon. I have no idea what kind of music it is, but the guy (Elijah Jones) is an actor. Could be anything.

This weekend is (indeed, the next several weekends) packed full of shows and I promise to post later in the week to let you know who to see where.

Follow the music ~ mandab

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